Fleet Farm, Northern Tool, and Toro Face Tough Questions
Pressure to Drop FLE/LME Grows
Corporate Transparency has already reported on the backlash some major Minnesota companies are facing as a result of their business ties to the trucking firms FLE and LME. FLE/LME executives put 95 families out of work with no notice three days before Thanksgiving and refused to pay them for work already completed which has put them under investigation from the State of Minnesota.
After several major customers have made statements indicating they would no longer use FLE/LME many are asking why Fleet Farm, Northern Tool, and Toro have not done the same. In fact, a Toro truck was seen in FLE’s parking lot the week before Christmas (picture below).
The public backlash from this story has been swift. Corporate Transparency has already reported on the numerous news articles that have came out as a result of LME/FLE’s treatment of these 95 families. Unconfirmed reports say that LME’s revenue is down roughly 50%, indicating a significant drop in clients.
Which begs the question: Why would Fleet Farm, Northern Tool, and Toro continue using LME/FLE for their freight, there are surely other carriers that could do the work for a similar price. Corporate Transparency has reached out to several LME/FLE customers and will update this story if a response is received.
thank you for your help in keeping this in the news, as one of the employees affected by this horable i can only hope they pay dearly for what they did.